Note: Please double-check your email address for typos before checking out so we can ensure your template pack gets to you! If you have an existing myTeachable account, use that email address for ease of enrollment and login.

Contact information

Billing address


By purchasing this Template Pack, you acknowledge that using and editing the templates requires either a PicMonkey or a Canva Pro account.

Additionally, you agree to use the templates to create images that promote ONE business -- yours! Your purchase may not be used for clients. Each client must purchase individually in order for the templates to be used to create graphics for that business.

You may not resell or redistribute the templates in any form or give anyone else access to the template or graphics files.

Sales of template packs are final.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Regular price $147, on sale for $47!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Product Promo Deluxe Pack$47

All prices in USD

"These templates are so pretty!! I am able to quickly create a post for Instagram, and I also used the blog post promotion templates and was able to quickly update promotional graphics and update posts in very little time. These templates have saved me hours of work!"

Ashley Patrick |
Budgets Made Easy

“I love these templates and had so much fun playing with making GIFs for my Facebook Ads in PicMonkey!

I already created two ads and have them scheduled to start running tonight - so excited to see how they do. Thanks so much for creating these!

Amanda Glenn |
Exclusive Pumping

“These templates have taken all of my content (leadpages, sales pages, pins, and every single deliverable I offer) from embarrassing to so beautiful! I want to hang them on my walls.

I look like I have hired a team of professionals
to design my entire business when really, it's just all of these templates!”

Krista Lockwood |
Motherhood Simplified
